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Prayer & Spirituality as Sacred Energy Therapy Prayer & Spirituality as Sacred Energy Therapy
3 CD Set, recorded live in Phoenix, AZ, IB-RCD46
by Ron Roth, Ph.D.

In this live workshop held in Phoenix Arizona, Ron reveals his beliefs regarding the types of prayers that not only heal but also contain the power to restore and transform us. Prayers that bring us to our true dimensional beings, our true nature as infinite beings who are extensions of the all powerful, all knowing, ever present ENERGY we call the DIVINE SPIRIT.

On this (3 Cd Set) you will learn: The energetics of various spiritual principles and how to apply them to your life. The ways sacred energy is released through chanting the name of God. The dynamics of speaking to your mountain, whatever that challenge might consist of. The true meaning of self esteem and much more.


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Co-founders Paul Funfsinn (L), Spiritual Leader and Director of Celebrating Life Ministries and the late Ron Roth (R), Spiritual Shepherd Emeritus.

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