Come to the Well: An Evening of Healing & Prayer

Friday, July 19 on Zoom

Friday, July 19
5-8:30pm pacific | 6-9:30pm mountain | 7-10:30pm central | 8-11:30pm eastern 
Zoom - ticket price: $90
Join us for a relaxed evening of music, prayer, and healing. This mini-retreat will restore your spirit and allow you to tap into and soak in the Divine's loving presence. This evening will be led by Padre Paul, Rev. Robert Bearden, Monk Ryan Rigoli, and Rev. Renee Plendl. Music will be provided by Rev. Angelika Schafer.
Bring your prayer intentions to put in the Zoom chat.

Join the Zoom 15 minutes before the start time prayers, announcements, and to set space for the retreat, led by Brother Craig Rippens.

Please note: Signups are now taking place on our new landing page. Please click here to sign up.

Event Details

Join our Zoom meeting 15 minutes early for healing prayers, scripture readings, announcements, and to prepare your heart for the evening, led by Brother Craig Rippens.

Friday, July 19
5-8:30pm pacific | 6-9:30pm mountain | 7-10:30pm central | 8-11:30pm eastern 
Join us for a relaxed evening of music, prayer, and healing. This mini-retreat will restore your spirit and allow you to tap into and soak in the Divine's loving presence. This evening will be led by Padre Paul, Rev. Robert Bearden, Rev. Renee Plendl, and Monk Ryan Rigoli. Music will be provided by Rev. Angelika Schafer.
Bring your prayer intentions to put in the Zoom chat.

Intention Colors: Gold, blue, white

Our Presenters

Padre Paul Funfsinn

For over 40 years, Padre Paul has been a Spiritual Leader of Celebrating Life Ministries and continues the Healing Ministry legacy of Rev Ron Roth. Paul has a prophetic gift of reading people's hearts from his relationship with the Holy Spirit as well as welcoming people into God's Holy Presence. Leading prayer & healing services, as well as private spiritual consultation, is his strength where heaven and earth meet up!
Padre Paul was a mentor under international healer Rev Ron Roth, for 28 years until his passing. Paul now assumes the role of Spiritual Shepherd of this loving community and his mission is to "heal the sick" and "set people free" from oppression and negative energies.

Robert Bearden

Robert Bearden

Robert is a crowd favorite here at CLM and other venues. Because of his devotion to the Divine in all that he says and does and the joy he brings to so many souls, he has been invited back to present some healing techniques from his travels to India earlier this year.

Robert is a Professed Monk, an Ordained Minister and serves as a Bishop within our Celebrating Life Community. He is also an Awakened Oneness Trainer from his studies at the Oneness University in India and resides in San Fransisco, California.


Renee Plendl

Renee Plendl

Renee attended her first Healing Intensive with Ron Roth in 2003 in Arizona, she knew then her life would be forever changed. She has attended all of the retreats since that time and found that each retreat continues to be a sacred healing sanctuary for her soul.

 In the fall of 2010 Renee was professed a monk in the Spirit of Peace Monastic Community and was professed a bishop in 2023. Since her profession her relationship with the Divine has continued to grow into loving awareness - to live with an open heart. 


Ryan Rigoli

Ryan Rigoli

Ryan Rigoli is a Musician and Professed Monk in Celebrating Life where he shares God’s healing Presence through devotional music, prayer, and wisdom rooted in the Heart. 

As a Spiritual Coach & Teacher, Ryan helps people deepen their intuitive awareness and connection with God. One of his greatest joys is seeing people's hearts awaken and their Divine presence shine, like a song blessing those around them with its unique tone. He finds that the art of presence and listening to what Life is calling us to at any moment is one of our greatest gifts. Ryan is a teacher at the Foundation for Spiritual Development, an Ananda Sevak with the Golden Age Movement, and is trained as an Integral Coach ®.  He has created multiple meditative piano albums which bring people deep peace.



Angelika Schafer

Angelika Schafer

Angelika’s gift of music touches the heart; through her inspiring compositions, soothing voice and instruments she channels the frequencies and healing energies of the angelic realms and leads us gently into that deeper space within. She sings ancient chants/Prayers from different traditions, Mantras for healing, Bhajans for singing along and her original songs accompanied by a 50 string Tamboura/Monochord and guitar.

Several contemporary mystics and masters gave special dispensation for Angelika’s music ministry to conduct powerful blessings. She has published 12 CDs and shares her music and inspirational talks worldwide at spiritual gatherings, ceremonies, conferences and healing retreats.



Zoom Meeting Information

In this article, we will discuss how to join an instant meeting through an email invite, an instant messaging invite, from the browser, from the Zoom desktop and mobile application, from a landline or mobile phone, and with a H.323 or SIP device.

Before joining a Zoom meeting on a computer or mobile device, you can download the Zoom app from our Download Center. Otherwise, you will be prompted to download and install Zoom when you click a join link.

You can also join a test meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom.


  • Each meeting has a unique 9, 10, or 11-digit number called a meeting ID that will be required to join a Zoom meeting
  • If you are joining via telephone, you will need the teleconferencing number provided in the invite.

 Check your device requirements here.


Audio and Video Recording

All Celebrating Life Ministries events may be recorded and or photographed. Your participation, in whole or part, may be included in an audio or video program or a media publication to be published by Celebrating Life/Isaac Books. Your completed registration grants permission to Celebrating Life Ministries and Paul Funfsinn to publish or use the recordings or your picture.  

IMPORTANT: NO PROFESSIONAL cameras, video or recording equipment are allowed at events unless approved by Celebrating Life. Feel free to use your digital cameras, smartphones and tablets to post to your Facebook, But NO videos will be allowed to be posted on any media boards/pages of any parts of the Healing Services, which includes Twitter and Instagram accounts.  


CLM Information

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event. If you have any questions please feel free to contact CLM.

Celebrating Life Ministries
P.O. Box 1064
La Salle, Illinois 61301

Phone: 815-224-5730



About Celebrating Life Ministries:
The CLM Registration Fee is a 100% donation to our Ministry and is tax deductible as an educational expense.

Celebrating Life Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All contributions to our organization are tax deductible as an educational expense, as CLM is classified as a public charity under section 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.


What others have said...

  • "The last East of Heaven weekend in New Jersey was a moving, heart-filling, life changing event this past weekend. Thank you! Thank you!"

  • "I feel my personal connection with God so strongly again. I feel him flowing through me and in me and as me and as the world and everyone else. My heart is open to God again and I am in a flow of his love. When I pause and revel in His presence I find myself smiling and laughing for no reason. At the retreat I was able to sing again like my young self, ecstatically praising Him and loving him. My body was moved by Him and I wanted to cry from joy many times."

  • "It was an incredible 2 days! You probably don’t remember, with everyone leaving at the time, but I shared with you that it had a profound effect on me. I have indeed been able to return to “stillness” and sit with the Divine… MUCH more easily than prior to the Retreat and also really have internalized Jesus… much closer … a true friend. Thank you, thank you!"

  • "The first night of the retreat you talked about being broken in order to be rebuilt by the Holy Spirit. Both my brother and I were amongst the first to be called up to receive a blessing.  Somehow we ended up standing next to each other, both of us in a bit of a daze and neither of us knowing what to expect.  I remember holding onto his hand, my eyes closed. When you came to me, you said something like,  "Let go of his hand.  We come as individuals, not to carry our family.  Surrender, let it be."  I began sobbing and shaking, because some of my biggest fears are around separation, responsibility for my loved ones and potentially losing them as I continue on my spiritual path.  When you asked me to let go, I fell to the floor in tears and couldn't move my body for quite some time. After the retreat, upon returning home I noticed that my "normal" triggers weren't lighting me up.  I was also aware of an increase in the flow of love between myself, my children and my husband.  Today Divine Presence is with me at work.  I learned that God is good, that he is everywhere and that he truly wants what is best for each of us."

  • "I experienced a feeling of Love for God and Self that was stronger than anything else/all secondary relationships, and this Love is getting stronger.  It was the first time I experienced such a palpable feeling that had such strength, knowingness and grace with it, that I know that I am fully supported in my journey of living centered in my relationship with God. I love witnessing how God works in such playful and unexpected ways, yet always hearing us as we are learning to better hear Him/Her.  I learned that just being Me is enough, and that is my service."



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Co-founders Paul Funfsinn (L), Spiritual Leader and Director of Celebrating Life Ministries and the late Ron Roth (R), Spiritual Shepherd Emeritus.

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