Sacred Pilgrimages |
Celebrating Life Ministries is excited to announce our Sacred Pilgrimages for the upcoming year. We encourage you to consider joining Padre Paul Funfsinn and the CLM Community as they journey to these Sacred places. Our goal is to continue to enrich lives through our retreats, prayer services and Sacred Pilgrimages.
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| Upcoming Sacred Pilgrimages
Notice: Celebrating Life Ministries is canceling our trip to Brazil in June.
Due to current circumstances at the Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiania, Brazil, it is necessary to cancel Celebrating Life Ministries’ June 3-15, 2019 pilgrimage to the Casa. Bob and Diana and Barbara Rose have just returned from a 2 week visit to the Casa and they experienced profound healing energies and tranquility. For those of you who are still interested in visiting the Casa, we recommend that you do so in March. For complimentary assistance in making hotel and transportation arrangements, you are welcome to contact Bob and Diana at or call 831 726-8188 in CA. Thank you for your faithfulness and prayer support surrounding all these activities.
Padre Paul and the CLM Community |
© CLM 2024
Co-founders Paul Funfsinn (L), Spiritual Leader and Director of Celebrating Life Ministries and the late Ron Roth (R), Spiritual Shepherd Emeritus.
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