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Sacred Presence & Healing Hands: Infinity Foundation Sacred Presence & Healing Hands: Infinity Foundation
with Padre Paul Funfsinn
March 08, 2024
Highland Park, IL

Sacred Presence and Healing Hands

Infinity Foundation: Courses for Life
Friday, March 8, 2024, 7:00-9:00 pm

Class & Laying on of Hands with Padre Paul Funfsinn

Cost $40 ($35 if payment 10 days in advance) NOTE: There is a $5.00 surcharge for EACH COURSE

For more information, please contact CLM's event coordinator, Rosemarie (Sis) Ansell:


-Phone: 312-593-7032

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Sacred Presence & Healing Hands

with Padre Paul Funfsinn

Padre Paul Funfsinn, Spiritual Shepherd of Celebrating Life Ministries, leads this powerful evening workshop designed to help you break free from and heal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual hurts, illness, and trauma. Engage in inspiring worship, learn healing prayer techniques, and experience a healing service at the end of the evening.


Friday, March 8, 2024
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Course: 241138
Infinity Foundation
1282 Old Skokie Road, 
Highland Park, IL  60035 

Cost  $40/35 payment 10 days in advance

Visit: or call

Tel 847.831.8828, 24 hours a day
Fax 847.831.5559

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All Celebrating Life Ministries events may be recorded and or photographed. Your participation, in whole or part, may be included in an audio or video program or a media publication to be published by Celebrating Life/ Isaac Books. Your completed registration grants permission to Celebrating Life Ministries and Paul Funfsinn to publish or use the recordings or use the recordings or your picture

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Co-founders Paul Funfsinn (L), Spiritual Leader and Director of Celebrating Life Ministries and the late Ron Roth (R), Spiritual Shepherd Emeritus.

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