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The Teachings of Richard Rohr: FREE Monthly Healing Prayer Service The Teachings of Richard Rohr: FREE Monthly Healing Prayer Service
Padre Paul Funfsinn, Rev. Karen Rippens, & Carolyn Lobenberg
March 04, 2024

FREE Monthly Healing Prayer Tele-Service

Monday, March 4, 2024

5:00 - 6:00pm Pacific
6:00 - 7:00pm Mountain
7:00 - 8:00pm Central
8:00 - 9:00pm Eastern
9:00 - 10:00pm Atlantic

Theme: The Teachings of Richard Rohr

Join Padre, Rev. Karen Rippens, and Carolyn Lobenberg for an evening exploring the teachings of Richard Rohr as we continue through the Lenten season and begin to prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter. Padre, Carolyn, and Karen will share excerpts from Richard Rohr's teachings, explore the personal significance his teachings have had on them, and more.

Healing prayers are offered at the evening’s end. Participants are reporting healings after these evening Teleservices. Invite your friends and family members to join us for an evening of Grace.

To contribute to the cost of this service simply enter your donation dollar amount in the entry box. (NOTE: You must enter an amount to order, if you cannot afford it at this time please enter 0 (zero) and it will be free.

About our Presenters

Padre Paul Funfsinn 

For over 40 years, Padre Paul has been a Spiritual Leader of Celebrating Life Ministries and continues the Healing Ministry legacy of Rev Ron Roth. Paul has a prophetic gift of reading people's hearts from his relationship with the Holy Spirit as well as welcoming people into God's Holy Presence. Leading prayer & healing services, as well as private spiritual consultation, is his strength where heaven and earth meet up!
Padre Paul was a mentor under international healer Rev Ron Roth, for 28 years until his passing. Paul now assumes the role of Spiritual Shepherd of this loving community and his mission is to "heal the sick" and "set people free" from oppression and negative energies.

Rev. Karen Rippens

Rev. Karen Rippens is an ordained Minister with Celebrating Life Ministries. She is committed to a life of prayer and serving God by praying for the needs of others. She began her spiritual search at the age of 12 after a powerful experience of the oneness of all existence. For many decades she studied the Buddhist and Hindu traditions that spoke to this experience and her intuition. In recent years while a student in the CLM Education Program she found that the teachings of Christ helped her to develop a direct and intimate relationship with God and integrate her love of eastern spirituality with the Judeo-Christian tradition in which she was raised. Retired now and living with illness, she increasingly devotes her life to meditation and service: the mission of prayer, the practice of blessing.


Carolyn Lobenberg

Carolyn’s deepest desire is to spread a message she learned in grade school: God is loving and compassionate.  In her teens and twenties she joined youth retreats and began a life-long practice of yoga. These cemented her friendship with God and moved her to earn an MA in Religious Studies.  She became a Youth Minister, spent ten years as Public Relations professional in hospitals and universities, and worked fifteen years as a preschool teacher while raising a family. Midlife drew Carolyn to hands-on healing as a certified CranioSacral Therapist working with infants to elders.  She is an enthusiastic witness to the principle that God gave us the innate ability to restore, reverse and repair dis-eases of body, mind and soul when given the right environment to thrive.  She supports the body’s Inner Wisdom to unwind physical and emotional trauma and incorporates prayer in healing sessions PRN.  She teaches meditation, self-healing techniques and wellness workshops.  Carolyn was a student in the CLM Education Program. 



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Co-founders Paul Funfsinn (L), Spiritual Leader and Director of Celebrating Life Ministries and the late Ron Roth (R), Spiritual Shepherd Emeritus.

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